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Ann Budd Knit Gauge Ruler

Ann Budd Knits

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This is a super useful must-have tool for knitters!

Having trouble counting your stitches in a gauge swatch?? Then look no further- the answer is here in the Ann Budd Knits super duper knit gauge ruler!!

These great thin, plastic rulers have gauges imprinted on them, so all you have to do is lay the ruler on top of your knitting or swatch and and match your stitches to the stitch outlines on the ruler. There are stitch outlines in black for light colored yarn and white for dark colored yarn. You will instantly know if your gauge is on track!

The ruler measures 11 gauges ranging from 4 to 9 st/1". It also has a handy ruler along one side, which measures up to 9".

Measures 9" x 2" and is small enough to easily tuck into your knitting bag without adding any extra bulk.